INSPIRE: Seven strategies for Ending Violence Against Children


INSPIRE: Seven strategies for ending violence against children, is a concept developed by a coordinated effort between several global organizations which aims to identify a select group of strategies that have shown success in reducing violence against children.

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The Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) make an explicit, bold and universal commitment to ending violence against children, in all its form. In target 16.2 UN Member States commit to end abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence by 2030. The Global Partnership is the result of that commitment, and we were asked to take care of its identity to be ready for the launch in September 2016 and to take the first steps towards this great cause.

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Refugees & Economy infographic

Refugees & Economy

Just to show another good reason to help people in need, this infographic, developed and designed for AssemblyFor, demonstrate how the refugees’ integration into the german labor market is creating short-term economic growth. The design tells the story through the symbolism of energie, batteries and electrical circuits, to make the issue easily understandable for all the people concerned.

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Apolitical was founded in 2015 in Berlin with the purpose of discovering and share what’s working in the public service, finding the best policies worldwide, connecting to the people behind them, innovating and leading in several fields.
Today, thanks to their great team’s job, has become a huge platform helping public servants and their partners in more then 120 countries.

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Brain Child Infographic

Brain Infographic

The purpose of this unbranded infographic, designed for AssemblyFor, is to spread through the social media the knowledge of the consequences of violence and neglect on child’s brain and how they scar the growing brain. The call to action is very important, and it must be clear to all the policy makers involved: “Support programs that reduce violence, poverty, and neglect in early childhood to give children their best chance at life”.

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Climate change and children – infographic

climate change infographic

Are the children at high risk from the impacts of the climate change? And can they contribute to the improvement of this global issue? This are the questions that the team of WithoutViolence raises through this infographic.

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